Capturing how to reset your Thrive as I was unfamiliar with Android.

My ISP, on www.arvixe.com, turned me onto this site that shows how my sites respond. It was very helpful to identify that my sites were getting pushed out of the application pool much quicker than expected.

I had a replaced my initial Toshiba Thrive with a second one within days (gave the first one to family) but my Google Play remembered the first one. It wasn't obvious how to remove the initial device.

There are a few junk yards around me but there are times that they just don't have the vehicle or part I need. I found this site that purportedly puts out my request to lots of yards.

Ms Publisher was driving me crazy with how it was hyphenating as I changed the size of the text box. I use Ms Publisher infrequently and it wasn't intuitive as to how to alter this behavior.

There are times I need to do a quick search of ascii code that you can enter from the keyboard with the special symbols.

After a recent MS patch (MS11-100), my asp.net apps started to experience an error on some pages.
On my Win7 box with Designer 5.7/ Business Works 5.9, I could not start the adapter tester. I had just loaded this release.
Thanks to one of my co-workers (Vara), he showed me a quirky ODBC creation.
After upgrading to TibcoDesigner 5.7 (BW 8.9), my jdbc connections failed.
When I'd test I'd get this message:
Configuration Test Failed. Failed to find or load the JDBC driver: tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver