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Apr 26 at 2:48pm | 0 comments
I still need to design for IE6 on my company intranet.  This looks just ugly when you have an image link

Apr 26 at 2:19pm | 0 comments
I have a little javascript routine to change the source of an image that works in FF and IE 7+ that doesn't work in IE6 which is still in heavy use for my company intranet.
On Page Load, this folder image is shown:
On Page Load Folder
When you click on it (using IE7+ and FF)
ImgSrc Changed on Click
But in IE 6 I get this:
No Folder Image

Nov 06 at 9:14pm | 0 comments
I had done my share of javascript popup windows and now CF provides a much simpler method.

It appears that the latest version of browsers ie7 and FF3 don't allow you to open up a window using javascript with no address bar.  The location = no doesn't work anymore  (reference1, reference2)

You can also use some other javascript libraries that seem like the job like iBox.

Nov 06 at 9:09pm | 0 comments
I haven't implemented these yet but wanted to capture some of the options

Jun 17 at 2:08pm | 0 comments
Another IE gotcha on my Javascript.  I have document.all syntax strewn around and now that Firefox has been introduced to our intranet, stuff is not working ...

Jun 17 at 2:05pm | 0 comments
I build most of my web apps for IE as they are in the corporate intranet.  For better and worse, Firefox has been introduced and now some of my javascript is ailing.  I just ran into an issue that innerText is not supported by Firefox