I had done my share of javascript popup windows and now CF provides a much simpler method.
It appears that the latest version of browsers ie7 and FF3 don't allow you to open up a window using javascript with no address bar. The location = no doesn't work anymore (
You can also use some other javascript libraries that seem like the job like
The error occurred in D:\home\assigner.org\wwwroot\Soccer\CSA\CCLoginUser.cfm:
line 9
undefined in QUERYLOGIN.\
<CFLOCK SCOPE="Session" TYPE="Exclusive" TIMEOUT="30">
<cfset currentPath = getCurrentTemplatePath()>
<cfset currentDirectory = getDirectoryFromPath(currentPath)>
<cfoutput>This directory is #currentDirectory#</cfoutput>
It seems like CF 9 report builder doesn't like Windows 7 very much. The help files don't install quite right.
I had a web hosting service for ColdFusion that was seemingly running slower and slower and slower. I needed a way to validate what I was seeing.
After running SpeedTest on my current hosting, it took 40-50 seconds to return. I later determined that this was on a shared hosting service using CF8 and W2003 (
http://www.crystaltech.com )
I've since moved off that service and I'm on CF9 and w2008 (
http://www.hostek.com ) and that same SpeedTest returned in under a second.
Found a way to call Ms Access queries from Cold Fusion. Sometimes I don't have an option and have a MsAccess db backend. One benefit to calling a query via a stored procedure is that my code is more modular and reuse.
I had to load Oracle full client on my server to build the datasources.
Syntax I used in CF Admin
We are migrating away from TNSNAMES.ORA for oracle database resolution to LDAP servers. Here is how to configure them.