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Jun 02 at 11:33am | 0 comments
I really wish that there was a standard XPath function to return just unique values.  Here's how I attacked the problem ...

Aug 17 at 3:12pm | 0 comments
After building an initial database adapter, I could not get it to work and got this error while running it locally on the adapter tester:
ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration.ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration Error [Database] AEADB-100004
                DBError: Database driver code: HYC00
                Database server code: 0
                Database driver message: [tibcosoftwareinc][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented.

Spoiler alert:  Need to change the database field type on adb_timestamp from timestamp(6) with time zone to just an oracle date field

Jun 12 at 11:10am | 0 comments
After upgrading to TibcoDesigner 5.7 (BW 8.9), my jdbc connections failed.
When I'd test I'd get this message:
Configuration Test Failed. Failed to find or load the JDBC driver:

Jun 12 at 3:45pm | 0 comments
On my Win7 box with Designer 5.7/ Business Works 5.9, I could not start the adapter tester.  I had just loaded this release.
Thanks to one of my co-workers (Vara), he showed me a quirky ODBC creation.

Feb 19 at 11:23am | 0 comments
Capturing this fix for SoapUI when calling a secured webservice.

Jun 14 at 12:25pm | 0 comments
This error showed up when I validate the project and when I clicked on go to resource, nothing happened and I didn't go anywhere

Mar 05 at 1:41pm | 0 comments

Feb 18 at 1:31pm | 0 comments
Creating a concrete WSDL from a secured webservice seems to take more steps.  

Feb 18 at 9:43am | 0 comments
When running the tibco tester locally, there are times that too many processes can spin up.  You can use the Test Engine User Args to limit the number of jobs.

Oct 03 at 5:25am | 0 comments
I had used MS Visual Studio 2005 XSD editor to quickly create XSD schema documents from oracle tables for many of my tibco projects.
Now the company has loaded VS2008, I can't find that capability.
Lo and behold MS dumped it (jerks!)