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Jun 02 at 11:33am | 0 comments
I really wish that there was a standard XPath function to return just unique values.  Here's how I attacked the problem ...

Aug 17 at 3:12pm | 0 comments
After building an initial database adapter, I could not get it to work and got this error while running it locally on the adapter tester:
ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration.ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration Error [Database] AEADB-100004
                DBError: Database driver code: HYC00
                Database server code: 0
                Database driver message: [tibcosoftwareinc][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented.

Spoiler alert:  Need to change the database field type on adb_timestamp from timestamp(6) with time zone to just an oracle date field

Oct 04 at 2:52pm | 0 comments
I go long stretches between Tibco BW work and I find myself trying to recall how to do some tasks. This is one way I I took a repeating Name Value node and put it into a serial string. Maybe better ways to do this but this worked for me.

Jun 12 at 11:10am | 0 comments
After upgrading to TibcoDesigner 5.7 (BW 8.9), my jdbc connections failed.
When I'd test I'd get this message:
Configuration Test Failed. Failed to find or load the JDBC driver:

Jun 12 at 3:45pm | 0 comments
On my Win7 box with Designer 5.7/ Business Works 5.9, I could not start the adapter tester.  I had just loaded this release.
Thanks to one of my co-workers (Vara), he showed me a quirky ODBC creation.

Oct 03 at 5:25am | 0 comments
I had used MS Visual Studio 2005 XSD editor to quickly create XSD schema documents from oracle tables for many of my tibco projects.
Now the company has loaded VS2008, I can't find that capability.
Lo and behold MS dumped it (jerks!)

Feb 18 at 1:31pm | 0 comments
Creating a concrete WSDL from a secured webservice seems to take more steps.  

Feb 19 at 11:23am | 0 comments
Capturing this fix for SoapUI when calling a secured webservice.

Jun 14 at 12:25pm | 0 comments
This error showed up when I validate the project and when I clicked on go to resource, nothing happened and I didn't go anywhere

Jul 30 at 8:13am | 0 comments
Just capturing how to load and configure Tibco Designer for connections to oracle database.