Re: ClientProtocolException since 4.5.1 upgrade.
by suneethanr ยป 19 Dec 2012 11:01
revzz wrote:
I am using my tests in continus integration mode with soapui plugin and I get the same problem with authentification.
I confirm problems with HttpSettings@authenticate-preemptively=true on 4.5.1.
Usualy,I overrite this value in my POM.XML to authenticate.
I notice this property HttpSettings@authenticate-preemptively is working using soapui-settings.xml, but not with spécific overloading in POM.
So, editing soapui-settings.xml could be a good work around for you.
There is a few documentation about setting values like HttpSettings@authenticate-preemptively, so I cannot be totally sure of this solution.
Hi Everyone,
Even i also faced the same problem when i upgrade it to 4.5.1 so as per one of the above replies, i made a change in File->Preferences->HTTP Settings and checked the Authenticate Preemptively and it worked for the SOAP requests but not for HTTP request
So kindly let me know, is there any way to solve this?