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Nov 22 at 1:50pm | 0 comments
While changing the faucets on my bathroom vanity, there was a yellow stain under it that was caused by the plumber's putty that was used to seal the faucet base. The vanity top appears to be made of porcelain or maybe cultured marble as the sink is part of the top.

Dec 30 at 11:52am | 0 comments

Jun 02 at 11:33am | 0 comments
I really wish that there was a standard XPath function to return just unique values.  Here's how I attacked the problem ...

May 05 at 12:24pm | 0 comments
Struggled for a little while to find out the right configuration on the Plantronics headset to operate with the IP phone.
Stumbled across a thread in a Plantronics forum

Jul 03 at 8:03pm | 0 comments
I needed to put some 'Exit signs' on a set of directions I was creating.  I came across this website that provided an online and downloadable version to create exit signs.  Pretty well done app.

May 05 at 12:50pm | 0 comments
We are migrating away from TNSNAMES.ORA for oracle database resolution to LDAP servers.  Here is how to configure them.

Aug 17 at 3:12pm | 0 comments
After building an initial database adapter, I could not get it to work and got this error while running it locally on the adapter tester:
ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration.ActiveDatabaseAdapterConfiguration Error [Database] AEADB-100004
                DBError: Database driver code: HYC00
                Database server code: 0
                Database driver message: [tibcosoftwareinc][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver]Optional feature not implemented.

Spoiler alert:  Need to change the database field type on adb_timestamp from timestamp(6) with time zone to just an oracle date field

Jun 12 at 11:10am | 0 comments
After upgrading to TibcoDesigner 5.7 (BW 8.9), my jdbc connections failed.
When I'd test I'd get this message:
Configuration Test Failed. Failed to find or load the JDBC driver:

Oct 20 at 8:56am | 0 comments

May 16 at 1:31am | 0 comments
Ughh what an ugly issue on MS Vista. This error reared its head over a year ago and never have been to resolve it completely.
I think that I found one possible workaround that works for me: Disable Carbonite.

Update: Sadly disabling Carbonite didn't always work.
I believe that the issue is with the windows installer. I had another issue and got a HotFix from Microsoft. See Windows Installer Failure Blog Entry