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May 05 at 12:24pm | 0 comments
Struggled for a little while to find out the right configuration on the Plantronics headset to operate with the IP phone.
Stumbled across a thread in a Plantronics forum

May 05 at 12:50pm | 0 comments
We are migrating away from TNSNAMES.ORA for oracle database resolution to LDAP servers.  Here is how to configure them.

May 05 at 1:39pm | 0 comments
Syntax I used in CF Admin

May 05 at 1:47pm | 0 comments
I had to load Oracle full client on my server to build the datasources.

May 16 at 1:31am | 0 comments
Ughh what an ugly issue on MS Vista. This error reared its head over a year ago and never have been to resolve it completely.
I think that I found one possible workaround that works for me: Disable Carbonite.

Update: Sadly disabling Carbonite didn't always work.
I believe that the issue is with the windows installer. I had another issue and got a HotFix from Microsoft. See Windows Installer Failure Blog Entry

May 27 at 12:17am | 0 comments
Ughh, during a recent map update to my TomTom One XL, I had issues. No USA map existed, only Guam. Thanks to another posting, I got a solution.

May 27 at 12:47am | 0 comments
The following code example shows a SELECT statement that generates a divide-by-zero error. Along with the error message, information that relates to the error is returned.

May 27 at 12:51am | 0 comments
Instead of hardcoding the name of a stored procedure when you are trying to run some DDL that need that value ...

May 29 at 2:20am | 0 comments
I finally found a simple tutorial how to create the Pleasantville Effect using Paint Shop (I actually use PS Photo Pro X3 now).

May 29 at 9:34am | 0 comments