Struggled for a little while to find out the right configuration on the Plantronics headset to operate with the IP phone.
Stumbled across a thread in a Plantronics forum
We are migrating away from TNSNAMES.ORA for oracle database resolution to LDAP servers. Here is how to configure them.
Ughh what an ugly issue on MS Vista. This error reared its head over a year ago and never have been to resolve it completely.
I think that I found one possible workaround that works for me: Disable Carbonite.
Update: Sadly disabling Carbonite didn't always work.
I believe that the issue is with the windows installer. I had another issue and got a HotFix from Microsoft. See
Windows Installer Failure Blog Entry
Ughh, during a recent map update to my TomTom One XL, I had issues. No USA map existed, only Guam. Thanks to another posting, I got a solution.
I finally found a simple tutorial how to create the Pleasantville Effect using Paint Shop (I actually use PS Photo Pro X3 now).
I had to load Oracle full client on my server to build the datasources.
The following code example shows a SELECT statement that generates a divide-by-zero error. Along with the error message, information that relates to the error is returned.
Syntax I used in CF Admin
Instead of hardcoding the name of a stored procedure when you are trying to run some DDL that need that value ...