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How to make your iPhone vibrate first, ring second

This site along with using Audacity to add a period of silence, then I went to Audiko to convert it to a m4r.

"It’s usually the simple solutions in life that make my day. Case in point with the following scenario: you want your iPhone to vibrate first upon receiving a call, and then play a ringtone if you haven’t taken the call in 10 seconds or so. That’s pretty common functionality in many smartphones and even on feature phones, but it’s not available natively on the iPhone.The simple why-didn’t-I-think-of-that solution? Customize a ringtone by adding a period of silence before the actual sound. This is easy to do in GarageBand, Audacity or a number of other audio editing apps. Then load up up the custom ringtone on your iPhone; I’ve found that iToner works great on the Mac, but again, there are several alternatives. Now, make sure you set your iPhone to use the new ringtone and also to vibrate upon an incoming call. When you get dialed up, your iPhone should "play” the silenced part of your ringtone while vibrating. Simple and effective plus I can be discreet and still keep my "Eye of the Tiger” ‘tone."